Need some ideas for a new group study? Here are some that are now available for you to preview in my office:
Bible Studies
NT Wright – Philippians for Everyone
J Ellsworth Kalas – Matthew in the Immersion Series
Sean Gladding – The Story of God, the Story of Us (w/ DVD)
James: Live Wisely by Bill Hybels – This study guide provides great discussion questions on James–a very short and practical book of the bible.
2 Corinthians: Serving From the Heart – This six-week study will take you through the book of 2 Corinthians. Many groups have done this before with enjoyment, and I have free copies of the book if you’d like them.
Ephesians: N.T. Wright for Everyone Series – While this study guide for the book of Ephesians is 11-weeks, you can speed it up as you feel necessary. This guide provides great questions to get the discussion going. If you feel intimidated leading your group through a book of the bible, let me know and I’ll help you!
The Ten Commandments from the Backside by J. Ellsworth Kalas – This insightful book will help your group see the 10 commandments in a new light. What if the commandments weren’t mainly prohibitive but instead were life-giving…?
Prayer: Opening your heart to God by Bill Hybels – Many people in our groups want to pray but wish they knew more about it and how to do it. This one will help.
24/6: A Prescription for a Happier, Healthier Life – This study, which also includes a DVD, provides a life-giving prescription for a healthier, more God-centered life amidst a digitally crazed, always-on world. It seeks to help us better understand how our lives can be radically transformed—physically, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually—by adopting a 24/6 lifestyle.
Trevor Hudson – Questions God asks of Us
Adam Hamilton – Forgiveness: Finding Peace Through Letting Go (w/ DVD)
Timothy Keller – Prodigal God (w/ leaders guide)
Loving your neighbor
Start Becoming a Good Samaritan – This DVD based study consists of six sessions that will push your group to think about becoming better neighbors and living out their faith in this community. If people are constantly asking how they can connect church to their everyday lives, this is a good place to start.
The Art of Neighboring – This book, which has a guide for six discussion based sessions, asks the question, “What if Jesus meant that we should love our actual neighbors?” This will be a great conversation and mission starter for your group.
Wesley: A Heart Transformed Can Change the World – Ever wanted to know more about John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist movement? This four week group study watches a segment of a 2 hour long DVD that follows Wesley during his life each week. It also provides discussion questions for participants. And don’t worry, the movie isn’t a documentary but a re-enactment of his life.
A Disciple’s Path by James Harnish – This study, which I’m currently leading on Wednesday nights, is a great 6 week study that helps you see and live out what it means to be a disciple of Jesus from a Wesleyan perspective.
Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas – What if God designed marriage to make us holy more than to make us happy? In the busyness of Spring, thinking about one’s marriage can be left behind. Consider studying this book (DVD also available) with your group to spark some great conversations.
Boundaries with Kids by Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend – Looking for a good book on how to raise kids? This one comes highly recommended! A DVD is also available.
Now That They are Grown: Successfully Parenting Your Adult Child: This new book written by Ron Greer, a pastoral counselor at Peachtree Road UMC, will spark great conversation and provide valuable insights for those who are trying to parent children no longer in the home. It is largely geared for those with young adult children.
From Anger to Intimacy: How Forgiveness can Transform your Marriage – Anger can destroy your marriage, but forgiveness will restore it. We have a DVD in the library to accompany this group study.
A Different Kind of Christmas by Mike Slaughter – Mike is a UMC pastor in the mid-west who has written a popular book called “Christmas is not your birthday.” This DVD study follows that theme and helps push back against our consumer attitudes towards Christmas.
The Journey by Adam Hamilton – Adam Hamilton is a UMC pastor in Kansas and has written this excellent study that looks at the story of Christmas in the bible up close and in its context. Many people in the church have used this study and had a great response. This curriculum has a teaching DVD, but you can also lead it yourself from the book.
When God Comes Down by James Harnish – James is a UMC pastor in Tampa and has authored this new study that looks at the characters, and most importantly Jesus, in the stories surrounding Jesus’ birth.
Christmas from the Back Side by J. Ellsworth Kalas – Dr. Kalas is the former President of Asbury Seminary and this book is one of many in his “back side” series. It isn’t as guided as some of the others, but if you have a good teacher they could read the material and form questions from it. I have a set of these books available for use in my office.
Mosaic by Shane Stanford – This Lenten study explore how God can use the broken pieces in our lives to make something new and beautiful.
The Way by Adam Hamilton – See above for more details about this study that retraces the footsteps of Jesus.
24 hours that Changed the World by Adam Hamilton – Many groups have done this study that retraces Jesus’s final day before. But if yours hasn’t, we have DVDs available. It has been received very well!
Discipleship Basics
A Disciple’s Path by James Harnish – This study, which I’m currently leading on Wednesday nights, is a great 6 week study that helps you see and live out what it means to be a disciple of Jesus from a Wesleyan perspective.
Christian to the Core – This 12 session study goes through 8 time tested core values that are vital for Christian living. This one will challenge people and help them grow to the next level, wherever they currently find themselves.
Change the World: Recovering the Message and MIssion of Jesus by Mike Slaughter – This DVD study for small groups will help your group learn more about the mission and ministry of Jesus while challenging them to live it out as well.